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185 entries.
canuck4him canuck4him from Canada wrote on May 27, 2007
Found your site thru an on-line search...very interesting!
Tim A Tim A from New Zealand wrote on May 1, 2007
Very interesting. This has fleshed out my own assumptions of this period in our near future. Still have some question regarding the 24 elders and when they are worshiping with a new song Rev 4:4 and 5:8-10, will keep working on this. Thanks for all your hard work.
Regardless of where you stand on this issue, I think the church is acting like one of the foolish virgins at present and needs a wakeup call, for sure.
Cindy Jagels Cindy Jagels from United States wrote on March 22, 2007
I am very glad I came across your site. I have been a Pre-wrath rapture advocate for most of the years of my Christian walk as everything seemed to be pointing to that instead of the commonly taught Pre-trib position that I found to be the view of many. I too have read "The Sign" and "The Pre-wrath Rapture" by Marvin Rosenthal and found they put things together very well; likewise, this web site. Thanks so much for this effort...there is a wealth of info here to contemplate, study, and pray about!
Adrian Marine Adrian Marine from United States wrote on March 16, 2007
I like this Pre-wrath web page very much! I just finished writing a Pre-wrath commentary on the book of Revelation that shows the rapture happening in Revelation 14:14,16; with the saints in heaven in Revelation 15:2; and the Wrath of God in Chapter 16. The book is called Hidden Truths of Revelation and is published by Xlibris under the name Marine.
Grooms, Jack Grooms, Jack from United States wrote on January 11, 2007
I have been a Disciple of Christ for a long time and had read many books about the end times, but always had a problem with pre-trib, mid-trib and post-trib views, for some reason I could not accept them even though they were the prevailing views of the tribulation and rapture. Then I learned about the book "SIGN" by Van Kampen, which I ordered and read--the more I studied and read, the more it made sense to me. Here was something that my spirit was telling me was truth.

I have tried to share this with many others, but they fail to understand or fail to put any importance to understanding end time events.

This site is a blessing.
Paul C Paul C from United States wrote on January 6, 2007
The prewrath position is accurate!
You don't have to rearrange the trumpet and bowl judgements before Matt 24:31

Rick Heavner Rick Heavner from United States wrote on December 27, 2006
I'm not sure if you need to write a book or get into web-site design. Maybe both. I have been studying the Pre-Wrath position for months and I only recently stumbled on your site. It is the easiest to follow and best layout I have seen.

Melanie Melanie from United States wrote on November 16, 2006
I am 48 years old. Raised in the Christian Church Disciples of Christ, baptized in the Independent Fundemental Baptist Church, attended the Reformed Church and Lutheran Church and a liberal Baptist church and now back to the Christian Church as an adult.

Your answers are the best and most scriptural I have ever been given.

Thank you and God bless you for the way you have studied and shared your knowledge.
Rose Rose from New Zealand wrote on November 6, 2006
Thank you for your website... putting the pre wrath view in an easy readable format... a great resource for those who need to see things from a logical, scriptural approach - without the added confusion of people trying to create theories around events of the day, and using random scriptures to try and validate their ideas. Great work.
Pastor Tom Pastor Tom from United States wrote on October 11, 2006
Thank you for the web site. I found the link on fulfilled prophecy. I am a Lutheran (Free Lutheran-kind of a cross between a Lutheran and a Baptist) pastor. I grew up pre-mill...unusual for a Lutheran. Most of my fellow pastors are a-mill. I have been called a heretic by the extreme a-mill people. Your view of a pre-wrath rapture expresses almost perfectly what I have been getting out of scripture for a long time. I am going to bookmark your site. Not many have expressed how I see things better than you do. I really appreciate the use of diagrams in the helps me visualize things. Thanks for the good job...your point of view is needed to give an alternative to the two polarized pre mill and a mill views. It takes the best of all views and seems closest to scripture w/out bending the text.

Thanks again.
Pastor Tom
~JM~ ~JM~ from Canada wrote on September 17, 2006
Thank you for your site, it's a great read and your responses to my email inquiries have always been on point. I'll be back and probably often. God bless.
Yohan Yohan from United States wrote on September 11, 2006
Whether through rapture at Pre-Tribulation, Pre-Wrath, or Post-Tribulation, I will see you in His Kingdom when we will not find evil on our left or right...No more lies, cheating, stealing, hatred, sadness.
Let us keep proclaiming to our neighbors and coworkers that Jesus saves and that His Kingdom is coming soon. We have nothing to fear !
Hallelujah and Maranatha!
Evie Evie from Australia wrote on September 9, 2006
Thank you Elbert Charpie,
I have really enjoyed studying your wonderful website. Thank you so much. I appreciated the easy to read style and the attention to detail which you have used. I could never make up my mind about pre-trib or mid-trib...This pre-wrath view as you have put it seems logical. I will keep studying the Word of God and have an open mind re the end-time prophecies, being alert and ready until times/events actually fulfill prophecy. Then I will know for sure.
Thank you once again for your generosity in making this teaching freely available to people like myself in South Australia.

For the love of the truth.
Ronnie Ronnie from Philippines wrote on September 8, 2006
Dear Brother Elbert:
I praise and thank God for your site. it's really great! May our dear Lord bless your faithfulness in His Word.
Thank you so much.
William Vann William Vann from United States wrote on September 8, 2006
I too came from a pretrib tradition and came across the book 'The Sign' and have enjoyed the challenge this presents and web sites like yours that promote this view, so keep looking up!! Bill V
Dorothy Summers Dorothy Summers from Canada wrote on September 8, 2006
I applaud you for creating a website that endorses the Prewrath Rapture of the church. Having had the opportunity to read Marv Rosenthal's book and listen to many of his tapes, I am convinced that his view is scriptural. It is exciting to read the comments of others, and thank you for making this possible.

Dorothy Summers
William and Carol William and Carol from United States wrote on September 7, 2006
Thanks so much for being faithful to God's Word! - Bill & Carol
David Niles David Niles from United States wrote on September 7, 2006
Greetings to all in Christ's Name. Thank you for your website. The Pre wrath Rapture, from studying Marv Rosenthal's position and the word of God, makes alot of sense. Jesus said we would have trials and tribulations, but He would ultimately save his people. Truly,Jesus is our Passover Lamb. Thank you and keep up the good work.:-D
Pastorbill1952 Pastorbill1952 from United States wrote on September 7, 2006
Dear Brother,
Thank you for this great site and remaining true to the WORD, Living and written. It has been great being able to talk with you privately and your unselfishness when answering a question. God bless as you continue to keep the faith.
DARRYL MOORE DARRYL MOORE from United States wrote on September 7, 2006