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185 entries.
James Lucas James Lucas from U.S.A. wrote on July 21, 2012
I'm glad your site and others like it are now available.I think you are doing the Body of Christ a great service.Much of the church in America is woefully unprepared and poised for great disaster and disappointment.Many will be greatly shaken and perhaps suffer eternal loss.But,perhaps we each can share in our own circles another scenario that can rescue many from Left Behind folly.Strengthen and teach the saints my brothers!
Gary Garoutte Gary Garoutte from USA wrote on May 21, 2012
I have been a believer of the Pre-Wrath position for the past twenty years or so.
It is the only view that makes any sense at all to me. I don't believe the view is perfect... no position is... but it is the closest to the truth of any position. Thanks for a great site about the end-times.
Tom Gilsdorf Tom Gilsdorf from USA wrote on April 17, 2012
I have been a prewrather for twenty years after reading Marv Rosenthal's book (and many others subsequently). I am probably the only prewrather in my pretrib baptist church, though I have shared with some there. Would love to communicate with someone in the Toledo, Ohio area who shares this view.
Tom Lawyer Tom Lawyer from US wrote on April 16, 2012
Nice website.

Yes Jesus will Rapture His Bride before God's wrath...
Janet Brown Janet Brown from United States wrote on March 7, 2012
I have been pre-trib my whole life. I started dating a wonderful man a few years ago who was not pre-trib and I was determined to prove him wrong! I started realizing that he may be right but we still didn't know when the seals, trumpets, bowls, etc. take place. After watching a Prewrath video with this site's email at the end, I am 100% convinced that this is the truth and will probably rankle some people with this. I'm not happy about it either! I would rather be raptured before the tribulation, that is for sure. Thank you for all of the careful study you have put into this.
Scott Scott from United States wrote on February 27, 2012
This site has been amazing to me! You've laid out the rapture scenario just like I have gleaned from the Scriptures!
My awakening was 2nd thes chap. 2, verses 1-2. This added to the timing of the judgment in genesis and lots removal from Sodom, and finally the fact that The Holy Spirits roll is to convict the world of sin and indwells us and will be with all believers, lead me to the pre-wrath view.

Thanks for being a diligent servant to edify the body of Christ.

Ant Ant from United States wrote on December 12, 2011
I've had this belief for the longest time, against my denominations guidelines, and I never knew it had a name! I always referred to it as post-trib! Thanks
Pastor Ant
Manuel Santana Manuel Santana from Dominican Republic wrote on December 3, 2011
Thank you for your studies! They are helpful. Greetings from Dominican Rep. Keep spreading the word...
Deborah Blair Deborah Blair from United States wrote on October 12, 2011
I love the way you compare the different views on the timing of the rapture - it should leave no doubt, if one is honest.
David Smith David Smith from United States wrote on October 2, 2011
I think you have a nice looking well organized site.
James R. Manning James R. Manning from United States wrote on September 29, 2011
Just wanted to say hello from Hosford, Fl located in the Panhandle of North Florida. I've been a knowledgeable PreWarth Christian since 1979 when the Holy Spirit gave me insight into God's Holy Word as I was reading 1Cor. 15:26 where it says, "The LAST ENEMY that SHALL be DESTROYED is DEATH" and then immediately the Holy Spirit took me to Rev. 20:1-6. As a new Christian, (not quite two yrs in the Lord) the Holy Spirit showed me that there wasn't going to be a pre-tribulation rapture as most of Christendom was being taught.

Great website & newsletter. Keep up the good work of the Lord.:-):-)
brett morrison brett morrison from United States wrote on September 27, 2011
I would also like to thank chris white for all his work and effort to share all truth including the pre wrath position and this web site.
Dean Carter Dean Carter from Canada wrote on September 22, 2011
Want to thank Chris White for exposing me to the whole Pre-Wrath point of view and pointing me to this wonderful site. Seems to make a bunch of sense to me! Thanks.
Rich W Rich W from United States wrote on September 10, 2011
Good to see I'm not alone in my view of a mid-trib rapture.

Keep up the good work, thanks.
Ismaila Louise Singley Ismaila Louise Singley from United States wrote on August 30, 2011
Hello. My name is Ismaila. I have been all over the eschatolocical chart. I was Pre Tribulationist up until the time a Prewrathist knocked the lies out of me. I feel cheated by the Pre Trib lies. I was briefly a Posttribulationist but I hung out with Prewrathists and I decided that the Prewrath view makes sense. I cannot believe that I fell for Pre Trib lies. I am not saying that they are all liars, I am just saying that Pretribulationism is a lie and a myth.
michael kacan michael kacan from United States wrote on August 28, 2011
after my reading and study of most of the pre wrath material out there i came to the conclusion very quickly what i had in my heart and mind about end times. i was only pre trib cuz everyone else was and really didnt study in/on rev. im dumbfounded that pastors/people havent come to the same conclusion (pride) and just not willing to research like a good berean like scripture tells us to...but in closing God has these people where he has them for HIS purposes before time began !!! God bless u and urs
Dr. Jon Dacus Dr. Jon Dacus from United States wrote on August 27, 2011
I've studied many books on pre, mid, and post-trib raptures and the prewrath scenario stands as a diamond in the midst of rubble in the way it fits the scriptures. There are still some areas that are not easily understood, ie. who are the 24 elders, when is the rapture of the 2 witnesses, etc, but these are minor details compared to the main event. Thanks for the knowledge you impart.
Dr. Jon
Nicholas Condo Jr Nicholas Condo Jr from United States wrote on August 14, 2011
Deep down in my heart I always felt that the pre-trib view was wrong. Similar to conviencing myself that a particular piece of a puzzle is the right piece no matter how I forced it-it just dont fit. I now have total peace that your view is the right one. But I feel like the Apostle John...its sweet as honey on my tounge but bitter in my stomach. I suspect a lot of pre-tribbres feel its wrong secretly and are afraid to admit it.
Gary Harding Gary Harding from Canada wrote on August 7, 2011
i am probally the only one in my assembly to believe the prewrath view. May God bless you. Prey for us.
Dr. James Caldarola Dr. James Caldarola from Italy wrote on July 25, 2011
I am subscriber for the quarterly newsletter but till now in 2011 I have not received any.
We from Italy follow you in our prayers.
May God bless you. Shalom. Dr. James