185 entries.
I am 70 yrs.old , born again in 1975.I have been in indpendent baptist churches since i was saved.About 2 or so yrs ago I changed my mind about pre-trib. rapture to a mid-trib rapture thinking. Thank you for your teachings and free download.
Brother Mike S.
Brother Mike S.
This site has done an excellent job in explaining and defending this position on the rapture. I'm reconsidering my own stance on this topic.
Just beginning to browse this well documented site with great visuals. Thanks
Thanks for enlightening us, this exposition of rapture really give more light to what is currently happening in the world and what we as believers in Jesus should expect and look forward to with the knowledge that we are going to face difficult times in the near future as followers of Jesus.
Hey There friends, I just recently discovered this website. I'm new to the Pre-Wrath position. I recently finished reading Dr. Rosenthal's book "The Prewrath Rapture of the Church." I must say after hopping from rapture view to rapture view, I have never seen such a clearly biblical view on the rapture as I have in the prewrath view. I can't say that I'm fully Prewrath yet. I'd like to work out all the kinks first before I completely cross over. This website is definitely helping answer a lot of my questions though. God bless.
It's tough to embrace this view when PRE-TRIB is preached so dogmatically in most places. So good and refreshing to know you are here along with many others, and I'm not alone! 🙂 Thank you for your careful study of God's Word.
What I am desperately trying to find is a local church which subscribes to the pre wrath view. Does anyone know of any such ministries in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area?
The way I look at it is if a church gets the rapture view wrong (which, as far as I am concerned is a critically vital end time issue), how can you trust anything else they teach. If a layman such as myself can see the painfully obvious truth of a pre wrath rapture, certainly a seasoned professional pastor should be able to see the same thing. If that pastor does see it and continues to teach a pre trib view - for whatever reason, then he doesn't deserve to be a pastor. I believe that pastors such as these will answer to God on that day for knowingly teaching false doctrine! In my view, teaching a pre trib rapture is deadly, both to the unsaved who think they have time and will get a "second chance" after the rapture as well as to the saved who go into the tribulation period completely unprepared for what they are about to experience.
The way I look at it is if a church gets the rapture view wrong (which, as far as I am concerned is a critically vital end time issue), how can you trust anything else they teach. If a layman such as myself can see the painfully obvious truth of a pre wrath rapture, certainly a seasoned professional pastor should be able to see the same thing. If that pastor does see it and continues to teach a pre trib view - for whatever reason, then he doesn't deserve to be a pastor. I believe that pastors such as these will answer to God on that day for knowingly teaching false doctrine! In my view, teaching a pre trib rapture is deadly, both to the unsaved who think they have time and will get a "second chance" after the rapture as well as to the saved who go into the tribulation period completely unprepared for what they are about to experience.
Yes, the lord will make us happy today for heavenly touch and moving among us by grace and in care and show us his love and power and living water wells in christ to drink and joy for favor and for salvation with us. Thanks and bless and joy. keijo sweden
hi is there anyone pre wrath in so.florida..broward or dade co. pls get in touch...bereanbondservant@gmail.com
Isa 8:21 And they shall pass through it, hard pressed and hungry. And it shall be, they shall be hungry; he will rave and curse his king and his God, and face upward. 22 And they shall look to the land. And, behold, trouble and darkness and gloom of anguish; and they are driven to darkness.
Don't believe pretrib errors!
God bless and keep you!
PS: The restrainer is Michael:
Dan 12:1 And at that time, Michael shall stand up (Literally 'lets loose'), the great ruler who stands for the sons of your people...
Don't believe pretrib errors!
God bless and keep you!
PS: The restrainer is Michael:
Dan 12:1 And at that time, Michael shall stand up (Literally 'lets loose'), the great ruler who stands for the sons of your people...
God is great in the word to eat of us today and be strong in faith and in thankskgiving with harmony and I ill play my piano for thanksgiving for my salvation and for my familys blessing,thanks and bless and pray,keijo sweden :roll
Found this site via the video on the Face Like The Sun site. I found that site via YouTubes. This confirms what I have recently been praying about and trying to understand. I have known this for many years, but did not have exposure to this teaching until today. The Spirit of Truth has led me and confirmed to me this as well. May God give us strength as we quickly approach that great and terrible Day of the Lord.
THis is truly an *** site. You do God's Word and Rosenthal real GOOD. Thanks for all of your work.
pastor claude :p
pastor claude :p
:roll :roll trying ti figure out who the restaner is! can anyone help!
Been onboard the Pre-Wrath view pretty much since 1995 or so especially with the concern over those taught pre-trib rapture. If its not Pre-Wrath then it is Post-Trib and they are both close enough to leave the church prepared for calamity and trial when the things which are coming arrive. The potential for the other camps to stumble when it does not 'pan'out just the way they think it will is real to me. I love so I share.
shalom, shalom
shalom, shalom
Blessings and prayers for all to hear the prewrath view and really understand and heed it. Thank you for getting His Word out! I look forward to your newsletters.
Mrs H
Mrs H
Prewrath makes the most sense. It also means that Preppers can be preparing for a long End Time scenario. It pays to get ready for basic living in a difficult world before Yeshua (Jesus) returns. Blessed are those who heed Biblical warnings and PREPARE! They are wise!
Hi guys, I have been pre-trib and dispensational all my life. I am about two weeks into coming to learn about this position. So far it is all making sense. Thanks for the resources.
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." II Timothy 2:15 Thank you for your hard work in scouring the Scriptures to understand the end time chronology and explain it in a simple & rational format. In John 14:29 Jesus makes an interesting statement,"And now I have told you before it takes place, so that when it does take place, you may believe."
Thank you Lord new power again today be with us in you! "Halleluja that will inspire me that celebrate with God for victory in Jesus blood around many home and familys in restoration our marriage. Thanks and bless, Keijo Swedeen